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Disclaimer: TerraLUX is not affiliated with Mag Instrument, Inc., which owns the MAG-LITE®, MINI MAGLITE® and MagCharger® trademarks and the trademark on the shape, style, and overall appearance of all MAG® flashlights. Mag Instrument, Inc.’s trademarks are used here only to identify the flashlights with which TerraLUX intends its product to work. TerraLUX’s products are not made, endorsed, or sponsored by Mag Instrument, Inc.
Disclaimer: TerraLUX® is not affiliated with Streamlight, Inc., which owns the STREAMLIGHT® trademark and the “SL®” line of trademarks. Streamlight, Inc.'s trademarks are used here only to identify the flashlights with which TerraLUX® intends its products to work. TerraLUX’s products are not made, endorsed, or sponsored by Streamlight, Inc.
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